
Nursing Programs

17/08/2012 13:01

RN to BSN Nursing Programs – For Better Opportunities and Growth
As far as the programs related to the nursing degrees are concerned, you ought to have the basic right first. RN and BSN are both the programs related to nursing degrees, RN is an acronym for Registered Nurse where as BSN is short for Bachelor of Science in Nursing. If you are the resident of United States, then you have got two degrees to become a registered nurse. You have got the option to obtain an associate’s degree in nursing path or get enrolled into a Bachelors of Science in Nursing Course.

If you decide to choose the associate’s degree, you need to shell out 2 years for the completion while if you choose the second option you will have to invest 4 years for the completion. In order to get the license you will need to take a certification exam, you will need to take this exam for both the options; the exam that you take is called as the national Council licensure examination, or the NCLEX-RN.

If you are the one being employed in certain medical institutions as an RN, then you must be feeling the need of having a BSN degree i.e. RN to BSN nursing programs. The majority of the medical facilities encourage their RNs to uplift their educational qualification by obtaining a BSN degree. This is because nurses with BSN degree have knowledge to work at management levels as well and additionally they have got higher possibility of growth and development.
Having said this fact, those registered nurses who have already obtained an associate’s degree in nursing don’t need to shell out another 4 years of training period to appear for the BSN examination. Since there is facility of transferring credit hour, RNs who have completed an associate’s degree of 2 years are fully accredited. The RN with an associate degree will simply require investing additional 2 years in order to obtain a BSN degree. Follow this link to learn more about RN to BSN nursing program in Ohio University.

Students are frequently encourages to obtain the advanced qualification as far as possible therefore. When it comes to the nursing programs, you can find a plenty of Bachelors of Science in Nursing Degree programs for the section. Some of the students have financial disability to afford the advanced course, so with a view to help such students some of the hospitals do provide financial assistance for such students. There won’t be any problem in spotting a nursing program that suits you the best.

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